Friday, December 31, 2010

Last day of 2010

Well we made it to the end of the year!  It has been a tough year for many of us.  Don is still working out of his field......working at State Farm. We are thankful he has that job, as little as it pays, we seem to be doing ok. He was able to pass his license to be able to work at State farm and get out of working at Walmart!   I thought it might be good to make a list of the great things to be thankful for that happened this year.

  1. Our health has been great!
  2. We have been blessed with health for all our family.
  3. We have had enough money to pay our bills and our tithes.
  4. We both have jobs, as little as those jobs pay, we can pay our bills and live.
  5. We added a new grandbaby this year..Owen and he is a gem!
  6. I started an administration program at Phoenix U and I'm doing great.
  7. We bought a great little car for me last January and it has lasted, and I LOVE it!
  8. We live in a great neighborhood and have a wonderful ward to attend each week.
  9. We added two cute little kitties to our pack this year, Brisby and Socrates.
  10. Our Pugs are happy and actually lost some weight!
  11. John is still living with us and we enjoy him so.
  12. We were able to travel to California a couple of times thanks to our kids
  13. Our hopes are still high for the future!
  14. We still have our testimonies that the Lord lives and blesses our lives!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Learning how to weave beads today.

I watched a video online to learn how to weave beads and couldn't wait to try it.  I forged the weather and drove down to the nearby craft store to get beads.  I gave it a try. I already have better ideas of how to improve for next time.

The weather is bad today.  I can't get my car out and so I'm staying home. I was going to go shopping with  Alice and go to lunch, but it is just too snowy!   Here are some pictures of Don venturing out today.

One more day of the year will be tomorrow.  No plans for New Years Eve.  Maybe we will play cribbage and relax by the T.V.  Sounds good to me!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Another day of fun...

Today I have been reading a book called the Hunger Games. It is surprisingly good. Don has already read all three books in the trilogy.  I thought I would get with it and read it too.  I also went into my craft room and made some jewelry; three necklaces. It is going to be hard to go back to work next week.

Monday, December 27, 2010

First Monday after Christmas

Christmas was on a Saturday this year.  Don and I just returned from a short surprise trip to California. We surprised Bekka at her Messiah concert at the Oakland temple. Mimi was in on the surprise. We had a great time visiting with Bekka's family, Kevin, Walker, Garrett and Owen and Mimi and Adam and the girls, Lucy and Mango.
We came home to Utah to have Christmas with John.  We had a wonderful Christmas together. We took our time opening presents and eating our traditional breakfast of waffles and strawberries, whipped cream and ice cream!

Today is Monday, the first shopping day after Christmas.  I have one more week off to do as I please, which is WONDERFUL!  I chose to go shopping today. I took a pair of Don's pants back to Kohls to exchange for a size larger. Don is dismayed about his waist being larger, but we decided it would be better to have a pair of pants that fits than a pair of pants sitting in the closet waiting for Don to lose that extra inch.  I also went to Burlington coat factory, one of my favorite places to shop and bought some tops with my Christmas money Don gave me in the form of a gift card....LOVE GIFT CARDS! Notice, I said I bought "tops", I'm also dismayed about gaining a few pounds over Christmas.  Don and I plan to lose those extra pounds.....starting next week!