Sunday, January 16, 2011

Loving my pressure cooker!

I've been cooking great veggies with my Christmas present, a pressure cooker. I asked Don for one and he got me one, but felt bad getting me something I can cook with, but it's something I really wanted!
I've made mashed sweet potatoes, broccoli, cabbage.  I'm looking at a pot roast recipe.....takes 1 hour to make it.
Thanks Don for my present!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chase the squirrel!

Today I took pictures of my first graders doing the chase the squirrel dance. They are so cute and do it so well!  First they start out with a group of four, then they break into twos, then they get into six in the group, then twos again.  They are great!  Sometimes they end up on the floor because they chase too fast!
I have a big room so they can dance.  I love the space.
The day is freezing, only 7 degrees as a high!  The students had an "inside day", meaning no going out for recess!
I LOVE teaching!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A fun weekend

Nick seems to be getting better and better after his surgery.  Saturday I went to lunch with my friend Alice, then we went to the Hobby Lobby and Roberts.  I picked up some more beads in green to weave. I wanted to find the right string and needles.  I picked up some needles but as I worked on Sunday afternoon on the project, the needles needed a threader.  I looked through some stuff my mother-in-law, Joan, gave me and found some threaded needles and some special threads and needles.  I made the green beaded bracelet.  It turned out great!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Nick had surgery

Today Nick went in for surgery. They pulled out 13 stones from his bladder.  Poor little pup. I went to pick him up at 5pm. He seems ok, a little quiet from the drugs, but he ate his dinner and drank some water. I shouldn't be surprised about his eating...he loves food!
I am staying home tomorrow to be with him. I got a sub to take my class. It will be Friday.
I worried all day about him and prayed for his good health.  He needs to go potty every 4 hours and so we will be up tonight.  They also pulled a bad tooth.   Jack really missed him all day. He was looking all around for him this afternoon before I went to get Nick.   Now Jack is sniffing Nick to check him out!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The First Sunday of the Year

Today we started at the latest hour for church; the 1-4 session.  Neither Don or I like that time slot because it takes away from our nap time.  This year we study the New Testament so I plan to read it completly this year.  The RS. lesson was particularly good today, about gratitude.  We are challenged to write something each day in a gratitude calendar they gave us. It is a nice idea. I have already started it and plan to continue. It is a great help because it helps me go over what I am thankful for instead of dwelling on what I'm lacking.
As I write tonight, I'm already feeling blue about going back to work tomorrow.  I know as soon as I get to work, I will be happy because I love seeing my students again.
Tomorrow we need to take Nick back to the vet because he still has blood in his urine.  I hope he is okay, maybe just needs a different medication.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Don and I spent the first New year day at home. We did a little reading, football games, talked to Matt and his family, even took a little nap.
I cooked our traditional black eyed peas for good luck.   Early in the morning I wrote a paper that is due Monday night.
All in all it's been a good first day of the year!